What chair?
Idag är förövrigt en skitdag, inget att göra, dåligt väder, ja, det säger ju sig självt!
Hade jag haft pengar hade jag gått till stan och köpt mig nåt, men jag har bara 1,50.. till den 1a juni, om jag får pengar då vill säga, annars får jag senast pengar i... september tror jag. Det känns väldigt ruttet.
A professor of philosophy had decided to ask only one question on the final test. He had taken up many different ideas during the semester, and the students were basically ready for anything. The professor stood up and greeted everyone. Then he grabbed his chair, put it on his desk and wrote on the board:
A surprised murmur spread through the room, but soon everyone got started. Concentrated students wrote like crazy, erasers flew and page after page was filled with smart, logical explanations. Some students wrote twenty pages, but one boy was ready after only a minute.
When the results were posted a couple of weeks later, everyone was really shocked to find out that the fast boy had gotten the highest grade. He hadn't even written anything, or at best a short sentence.
"What did you write?" they asked him.
He answered: "All I wrote was - What chair?"
Instead of studying for the last exam of their college careers, the four seniors spent the night partying in the house they have rented together off-campus. They felt that they did deserve a little bit of fun now at the end of their academic life. The next morning they waited until the test would be almost finished, and then they made their way to class. Along the way they all put grease on their hands and forearms to support the story they were going to tell their professor.
The time for the exam was basically up when all four seniors came into class. Excitedly they told the professor that they had had a flat tire on the way to school, about the problems in getting hold of a spare tire and then changing the tires. Could they please retake the test?
The professor said that he was a reasonable man, so without further ado he scheduled a new test date for the following week.
Their plan had worked! They studied diligently all week, making the most of their time. The day of the test came, and they were ready for anything.
The test consisted of two questions. The first, worth 5 points, was easy. The second question was worth 95 points and simply read: "Which tire?"
One day a woman is shocked to see her dog with a dead rabbit in its mouth. She knows that her neighbours keep a pet rabbit in a cage behind their house, and in horror she immediately realizes that it's their pet.
After some desperate pondering she knows what has to be done. She takes the rabbit from her dog, cleans it up as best she can - shampoos and blow-dries its fur - and since her neighbours seem to be gone, she sneaks into their yard and puts the cleaned up rabbit back in it's cage so it looks as if it's alive.
The next day she sees a police car parked in front of her neighbours house. Curious, she goes over and asks what's going on. An officer explains:
"They buried their pet rabbit which died the other day, but some weirdo dug it up and put it back in its cage"3 shortstories som jag bara älskar!